So I bit the bullet and created a Snow Leopard virtual machine (Server version) with my Parallels, and it finally works, including downloading my investment, credit card, etc. As I said above, opening in Safe mode, creating a new account, running my disk through Disk Utility and fixing permissions, nothing has worked so far. So I saved my data file that worked in the Snow Leopard version (so it's now a QM 2007-Lion file), try to open it on my Lion machine with a new QM 2007-Lion install, and the corrupt data error appears. So I know everything (the QM 2007-Lion) works in Snow Leopard without prior re-indexing the data file, just not in Lion. But if I re-index my Q 2006 file, trash my Quotes file, then import it into QM 2007, the 'corrupt data error' comes up. I did find something interesting in my systematic search for a cause, and that is that when i install it on my Snow Leopard machine, it works fine with a new, unpopulated data file. Now perhaps it's accumulating some ancillary file that doesn't get trashed, but I can't run that down.
The Quicken 2007 is a fresh installation, each time I try out a new approach, I reinstall the software. I'm convinced it's something about my Lion installation that's the cause, since others as yourself seem to be OK-although I haven't been able to run it down.